Miz Casa & Co
Alignment Crystal Kit
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Reset your mind body and spirit with our 'Alignment Crystal Kit'. Breathe in new life and release all negativity using our crystals. Working in perfect harmony to realign and cleanse your 7 chakras.
Containing -
Yellow Jasper: Used for protection during spiritual work or physical travel and helps cleanse and detoxify the internal organs. Also helps to strengthen the immune system, relieve nausea and indigestion.
Amazonite - Promotes honesty and heart healing.
Clear Quartz - Ability to clear the mind of negative energy and enhances higher spiritual receptiveness. Considered the master of all healing crystals due to it's ability to amplify the healing vibrations of other crystals
Amethyst - Enhancing spirituality and guarding
Red Agate - Promotes safety, grounding and vitality.
Brown Agate - Assists in comforting and protecting, its soothing energy helps people that are lonely, grieving because of a loss, go through difficult times or when they are hurt. The gentle energy of this stone is great for meditation.
Blue Apatite - Enhances motivations and expression.